Mobio marketing management

Meet Journey Builder

Your marketing companion to optimize customer experience and increase interaction, engagement, and retention rate.

Mobio marketing management

Meet Journey Builder

Your marketing companion to optimize customer experience and increase interaction, engagement, and retention rate.

Drag-and-drop Tool to build your own Customer Journey

A drag-and-drop, one-to-one interface to help you create a personalized journey for your customer. Connect every interaction across websites, mobile, email, social media channels, and advertising — along with Sales and Service — into a seamless customer experience.


prebuild templates

Prebuild Journeys that show Conversion

Our Prebuild Journeys designed by experienced marketers will give you inspiration and a head start on marketing automation with fully customizable workflows to guide your customers toward a conversion.


Make everything personal and intimate

Personalize and fully automate an experience that adapts to customer interactions and increases purchase opportunities.

Master campaign

Holistic reports from every campaigns

Reports show not only indicators from the marketing campaign but the customer touchpoint as a whole. With our general detailed reports, marketers will have a clear picture of the overall market trend and business marketing plan.

4 Critical Elements in a Customer Journey


Channels & Messages



Accurate Audiences

Targeting is the very first step toward a successful customer journey. We help you segment your customer list and choose the right audience group for your targets that deliver conversion. You can target audiences whenever they make an interaction.

To avoid sending too many unwanted messages to your customer, you can use our Spam Filter to maintain the number of messages sent daily.


Each channel has its own uniqueness and goes with different kinds of messages. You can choose your own way to raise brand awareness since there are so many options to go. Don’t worry if you have no clue to start, we will get you through it.

Let’s start and create a seamless customer experience across all your channels!

Send It Right

Workflow is a great tool for segmenting the user experience and defining concrete actions that can be implemented in the design. It shows how customers interact with the messages or the screen and what action to take after that.

Every workflow has a name and a description of what each of the steps is and what it is accomplishing so that marketers can easily use and get the most from it.

Know Your Action

These are actions that you can take automatically when building a journey. This allows you to organize and connect all the steps in customer experience, create an end-to-end journey, and segment or save customer profiles for further uses.

Activities are a crucial and powerful tool for marketers to take action after the journey ends and make use of new customer data collected.

Why Businesses love Journey Builder?

You own the Journey
Customer journey is no longer the unpredicted prospect that you have to follow. Now businesses create and decide the way customers interact, what messages they get, and all the steps they take.
Personalized at Scale
Messages to customers are customized for each individual, making them feel that those messages are unique and sent personally, boosting CTR, ROI, and conversion in your marketing campaign.
Everything Tracked
Every customer touchpoint and digital footprint across the journey is tracked, collected, and stored in CDP, achieving the goal of every business: a single source of truth.

Get Inspired By Our Customers’ Success Stories


Increase the voucher redeem rate to 26%, compare to 8% before

Read this case >>

Phong Vu Electronics

Collect and unify 5 millions identify profiles within 3 months

Read this case >>

Galle Watch

Reduce customer response time to under a minute, 150% faster!

Read this case >>

Some Documents You Might Find Helpful

Ebook: Marketing trends in 2022

A CDP gives a retailer the ability to grab and integrate data from all the places their customers.

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How to build a customer journey that engage?

The new consumer behaviors span all areas of life, from how we work to how we shop to how we entertain ourself.

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How Banking Industry Adapts to the Digital Era?

During the crisis, banks' clients changed their behaviour overnight.

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Curious about Journey Builder? There’re lots more to explore!

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