Grow Customer Loyalty and build Brand Love for your Business

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Perspectives On Retail

As the retail landscape evolves, staying informed about these dynamic trends is crucial for businesses to navigate the changing market successfully.

Dive into Digital Success

Retail is all about go digital or go bust. It's high time to invest more in e-commerce and online ventures.

Loyalty is key

Post-pandemic, brands are doubling down on building their loyal army.

Seamless O2O Experience

Shifting effortlessly between physical stores and online platforms, customers expect a smooth end-to-end experience.

The Era of Real-time Everything

For retailers, keeping track of customer behavior, digital trends, and updates is vital. Stay informed and adapt on the fly.

How Mobio upgrades your Buyer Experience

Understand your Customers
Understand your Customers

Retailers not only gather customer feedback but also make it easy to create customer-centric roadmaps based on the feedback and help connect data to create an excellent customer experience.

Reshape customer buying decision
Reshape customer buying decision

CX is a vital component in today's buying trend. But how can you create a complete journey for your customer knowing that it will end up boosting your revenue or increasing your ROI. Mobio helps you create an end-to-end customer journey and track every touchpoint of your customer.

Be there anywhere, anytime for your Customers
Be there anywhere, anytime for your Customers

Reach your customers at every channel your business owns and listen to their direct needs. With our smart rule-based chat system and auto-reply library, retailers can optimize customer response while maintaining a great service along the way.

Build a long lasting Customers Relationship
Build a long lasting Customers Relationship

Guess what! Retailers today invest tremendously in loyalty programs as a core strategy for long-term growth. With our platform, retailers can engage customers at every step they take along the customer journey, retain them with compelling loyalty programs, and turn them to your dedicated advocacy.

Success with Mobio

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How Guardian enhanced their loyalty program with high-quality customer data
Explore this case

7 times

increase in
redemption rate


AVG. Click rate per online campaign


increase in Hoicam members


increase in
Identified Profiles

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How Retails apply Mobio effectivelly

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Insightful documents for Retailers

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Find the solution that fits you

Mobio thrives in the banking sector, serving almost one-third of the Vietnamese market. Our confidence stems from providing highly effective, tailored solutions for each bank's unique needs. Ready to embark on your digital transformation journey?

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  • Under 10
  • 10 - 50
  • 50 - 150
  • Above 150
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Number of customers *
  • < 10,000 customers
  • 10,000 - 100,000 customers
  • 100,000 - 500,000 customers
  • > 500,000 customers
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