Mobio service management

Meet Ticketing System

Delivering consistently great customer service is hard.
The right ticketing system makes it easy.

Mobio service management

Meet Ticketing System

Delivering consistently great customer service is hard.
The right ticketing system makes it easy.

ticketing system

Organize, Prioritize, And Consolidate Support Requests

Ticketing systems enable organizations to quickly assign inquiries to the most relevant agent, provide context to customer interactions, and track inquiries from customers. The system also provides a shared inbox which helps support staff coordinate their efforts.


how it helps?

Features Of An Online Ticketing System

omni channel support

Resolve customers issues accross every channel

Customers contact your organization from many channels: email, social media, live chat, and phone—sometimes simultaneously. In many companies, insights gained during these interactions are scattered between tools and teams. This forces the customers to repeat themselves every time they reach out. But by consolidating customer profiles and conversations into a shared inbox, omnichannel support enables agents to serve customers in their preferred channels.

Ticket Routing, Categorization and Tagging

Ticket Routing, Categorization and Tagging

In a larger enterprise, just centralizing customer support communications isn’t enough. To provide the best service, agents need to know—at a glance—a ticket’s status and what steps they must take, whether that’s routing the ticket to a different agent or handling it themselves. That’s why help desk ticketing systems also enable users to categorize and tag tickets as they come in. These categories and tags provide large, siloed teams with the ability to quickly route support tickets to the agents that have the skills and knowledge to handle them.

Tracking and Measurement

Tracking and Measurement

Good customer service departments resolve issues quickly and minimize back-and-forth. But that doesn’t happen without analytics. With ticketing system analytics, you can generate reports based on what you’re trying to understand. For example, you can quantify the amount of time your team spends on certain issues to help inform decisions about where to invest additional resources.

customer use cases

Get Inspired By Our Customers’ Success Stories


Increase the voucher redeem rate to 26%, compare to 8% before

Read this case >>

Phong Vu Electronics

Collect and unify 5 millions identify profiles within 3 months

Read this case >>

Galle Watch

Reduce customer response time to under a minute, 150% faster!

Read this case >>


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