Mobio sales management

Meet Task Management

Looking for task manager software to help you organize individual and team tasks in one shared space? With Mobio, it’s easy to collaborate with your team, no matter where you are.

Mobio sales management

Meet Task Management

Looking for task manager software to help you organize individual and team tasks in one shared space? With Mobio, it’s easy to collaborate with your team, no matter where you are.

A minimal task tool to minimize your sales work


Task Management tool that helps sell better

task reminder

Notify every task from upcomming to overdue

Remind sales reps every task logged in many ways from notification within the app to web push, so sales won’t miss a single task. Mobio Task Management is integrated with Google Calendar as well so missing a deadline won’t be a thing.

customer contact

Reach customers without leaving the platform

Manage hundreds of leads with multiple sales processes. A comprehensive platform for sales teams to grow relationships with customers through Call Center, Email Management, Meeting Schedule. Every interaction between sales and customers is tracked and stored on the Deal History, helped sales and managers look it up anytime, anywhere in need.

online sales

Online sales and telesales
on the go

Sales reps can connect to customer via task management interface and close deals on the go via social chat or log a telesales via call center while seeing a full customer journey and information, increase chances to seal the deals.

Get Inspired By Our Customers’ Success Stories


Increase the voucher redeem rate to 26%, compare to 8% before

Read this case >>

Phong Vu Electronics

Collect and unify 5 millions identify profiles within 3 months

Read this case >>

Galle Watch

Reduce customer response time to under a minute, 150% faster!

Read this case >>

Some Documents You Might Find Helpful

Ebook: Marketing trends in 2022

A CDP gives a retailer the ability to grab and integrate data from all the places their customers.

Download Ebook >>

How to build a customer journey that engage?

The new consumer behaviors span all areas of life, from how we work to how we shop to how we entertain ourself.

See Guideline >>

How Banking Industry Adapts to the Digital Era?

During the crisis, banks' clients changed their behaviour overnight.

Read Blog Post >>

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