Mobio marketing management

Meet Email Builder

Save up to 75% on development time — without additional headcount. Build more effective emails, faster to scale efforts and drive better results.

Mobio marketing management

Meet Email Builder

Save up to 75% on development time — without additional headcount. Build more effective emails, faster to scale efforts and drive better results.

Your email is a part of the seamless journey.

Email Marketing is crucial but email alone can’t be enough. Email Marketing will work best when it’s a part of the entire journey and combine with other channels to interact with customers. We here provide you with a complete solution for your email marketing and let it harmonize with the marketing master campaign.

See journey Builder >>

Create email in your own style

Build email templates in your unique style with our drag-and-drop interface. We are confident that everything you need in an email campaign, we have it all, and even exceed your expectations.


Or start with our Premade Templates

Our templates are trusted by marketers from various industries and have proven to be user-friendly and effective,
helping you optimize open and conversion rates.


There are so many other email platforms. Why choose us?

All-in-one Platform
You can also use other tools in our platform and optimize your marketing execution without the need to switch through so many vendors.
Complete customization
Build email templates in your style, or upload your HTML email as your wish.
PC, Mobile, and Tablet Optimization
Make your emails look good on every device your customers use.

email in action

There’re many cool things you can do

Send email to your target audiences and get a notice at every step they take in their mailbox. You can choose which link or button you want to track and how your customers interact with it.
  •  Register multiple domains
  •  Email Address Verify for a clean and clear email list
  •  Add Behavior Tag to see customer interests
  •  Track link to see how well your campaign performs.

Detail Reports that show Insights


Some documents you might find helpful

Don’t forget to check out our ultimate guidelines for a successful email marketing campaign.
With our strong experience consulting top brands, we believe there would be something helpful for you!

Ebook: Marketing trends in 2022

A CDP gives a retailer the ability to grab and integrate data from all the places their customers.

Download Ebook >>

How to build a customer journey that engage?

The new consumer behaviors span all areas of life, from how we work to how we shop to how we entertain ourself.

See Guideline >>

How Banking Industry Adapts to the Digital Era?

During the crisis, banks' clients changed their behaviour overnight.

Read Blog Post >>

Curious about Email Builder? There’re lots more to explore!

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