Elevate Sales, Delight Service

Empowering Teams for Customer Satisfaction

Why You Need Operation CDP?

Effortlessly streamline workflows
Effortlessly streamline workflows

Experience a leap in operational efficiency as Operation CDP refines sales and service workflows, minimizing bottlenecks and maximizing productivity. With a user-friendly interface, your team can navigate tasks effortlessly, ensuring a seamless flow of operations.

Unify your toolkit, unleash potential
Unify your toolkit, unleash potential

Ditch the juggling act of multiple tools. Operation CDP consolidates everything your sales reps need into a single, intuitive platform. Manage profiles, track opportunities, connect on social channels, handle tickets, and automate tasks - all within a unified environment.

Boost Sales & Close More Deals
Boost Sales & Close More Deals

Spend less time on administrative tasks and more time closing deals. Operation CDP provides real-time insights and facilitates efficient communication, enabling your sales team to close deals faster and achieve higher success rates.

Instant Customer Insights
Instant Customer Insights

Gain a competitive edge with real-time performance insights delivered through intuitive dashboards. Operation CDP equips management with the tools to monitor team performance, make data-driven decisions, and continuously refine operations.

Proven Success Stories and Customer Testimonials

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How Guardian enhanced their loyalty program with high-quality customer data
Explore this case

7 times

increase in
redemption rate


AVG. Click rate per online campaign


increase in Hoicam members


increase in
Identified Profiles

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Must-have Guides for Getting the Most Out of Operation CDP

Mobio Gói Free
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Ready to be Optimized?

Whether you are streamline workflows or try to connect better with customers, we're here to supercharge your operations. Drop your email, and let's talk about how Operation CDP can help you achieve peak performance.

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  • Under 10
  • 10 - 50
  • 50 - 150
  • Above 150
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Number of customers *
  • < 10,000 customers
  • 10,000 - 100,000 customers
  • 100,000 - 500,000 customers
  • > 500,000 customers
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