Mobio marketing management

A Comprehensive Platform to meets the Goals of every Marketer

Create an end-to-end and personalized digital campaign, deliver meaningful messages at the right time, in the right channel, to the right customer.

trusted by large enterprises in Vietnam

Create a marketing campaign that actually works

Journey Builder

Create end-to-end customer
journeys with Journey Builder

A drag-and-drop, one-to-one interface to help you create a personalized journey for your customer. Connect every interaction across websites, mobile, email, social media channels, and advertising — along with Sales and Service — into a seamless customer experience.

Email Builder

Deliver 1-to-1 sophisticate
messages with Email Builder

Easy-to-use email marketing tool to engage your customers' list and boost conversion rate. We also provide advanced features and step-by-step guideline to help increase your email sender reputation and let your message goes straight to your customers’ main mailbox.


Reach customers anytime,
anywhere with Omnichannel

Omnichannel is not a feature or module, it’s a strategy. Thus, creating an omnichannel experience requires a combination of different tools which, luckily, we have all. From social media channels, website, mobile app, live chat, call center, message, email, to POS at stores, your business now can manage all in one place for your omnichannel strategy.

Ads automation

Collect quality leads and customer data from Ads Automation

Integrate with Facebook Ads and sync target ads audience with various filters to create effective Lead Generation campaigns and automatically collect customer data to enrich CDP.

voucher management

Boost sales and conversion rate with the magic of Voucher

A solution designed to handle the end-to-end lifecycle of recharge vouchers from production to distribution and redemption. A market responsive and user-centric product to increase customer engagement and loyalty.


See detailed Realtime Report
to improve your campaign performance

Comprehensive and holistic reports that show real-time data of every customer touchpoint, numbers of leads from the top-to-bot funnel, ROI, CTR, CTOR indicate, so you can get deeper insights into your marketing campaign and your customer behavior.

Get Inspired By Our Customers’ Success Stories


Increase the voucher redeem rate to 26%, compare to 8% before

Read this case >>

Phong Vu Electronics

Collect and unify 5 millions identify profiles within 3 months

Read this case >>

Galle Watch

Reduce customer response time to under a minute, 150% faster!

Read this case >>

Some Documents You Might Find Helpful

Ebook: Marketing trends in 2022

A CDP gives a retailer the ability to grab and integrate data from all the places their customers.

Download Ebook >>

How to build a customer journey that engage?

The new consumer behaviors span all areas of life, from how we work to how we shop to how we entertain ourself.

See Guideline >>

How Banking Industry Adapts to the Digital Era?

During the crisis, banks' clients changed their behaviour overnight.

Read Blog Post >>

Curious about Mobio Marketing Management? There’re lots more to explore!

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