Mobio service management

Win your Customers’
Hearts with a 5-Star Service

Connect and interact with customers in real-time and build engaging Loyalty Programs to retain customers and expand purchasing lifecycle.

trusted by top enterprises in vietnam

Give your customers the service that meets their expectations

loyalty management

Build your loyalty programs that engage customers

A drag-and-drop, one-to-one interface to help you create a personalized journey for your customers. Connect every interaction across website, mobile, email, social media channels, and advertising — along with Sales and Service — into a seamless customer experience. Workflow management is our strongest point.

See loyalty management >>

social media management

Connect with your customers across all social channels

Easy-to-use email marketing tool to engage your customers list and boost conversion rate. We also provide advanced features and step-by-step guideline to help increase your email sender reputation and let your message goes straight to your customers’ main mailbox.

customer conversation

Response to your customers anytime, anywhere

Omnichannel is not a feature or module, it’s a strategy. Thus, creating an omnichannel experience requires a combination of different tools that, luckily, we have it all. Social media channels, website, mobile app, live chat, call center, message, email, POS at stores, every channel your business owns.

See customer response system >>

ticket management

Let no customer issues be missed out

Ease-of-use Email Builder tool to engage your customers list and boost conversion rate. We also provide additional features and step-by-step guideline to help increase your email sender reputation and let your mails go straight to your customer main mailbox.

See ticket management >>

call center

Call your customers without leaving the platform

Call center makes telesales easier with its automated inbound and outbound engagement between businesses and customers. Every call is recorded for managers to analyze and improve agent productivity and customer satisfaction.

survey management

Collect customers’ reviews to upgrade your service

If customers have a good service, they might not say it out loud. But if they have a bad one, chances are they will emphasize it to everyone they meet. Therefore, it is important to collect your customers’ opinions every time they leave about your service and know what you’re doing good and what’s not and then improve it. Your customers will feel more pleased if they know their opinions are listened to and appreciated.

Get Inspired By Our Customers’ Success Stories


Increase the voucher redeem rate to 26%, compare to 8% before

Read this case >>

Phong Vu Electronics

Collect and unify 5 millions identify profiles within 3 months

Read this case >>

Galle Watch

Reduce customer response time to under a minute, 150% faster!

Read this case >>

Some Documents You Might Find Helpful

Ebook: Marketing trends in 2022

A CDP gives a retailer the ability to grab and integrate data from all the places their customers.

Download Ebook >>

How to build a customer journey that engage?

The new consumer behaviors span all areas of life, from how we work to how we shop to how we entertain ourself.

See Guideline >>

How Banking Industry Adapts to the Digital Era?

During the crisis, banks' clients changed their behaviour overnight.

Read Blog Post >>

Let’s stay connect!

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